sonnenhaus hünfeld
floor plan upper floor
front night
floor plan loft
detail staircase
floor plan flats
detail artwork jürgen blum
floor plan ground floor
detail living space
movie sonnenhaus 2015
autonomous 5-family house
as architect and building owner we understand architecture as architects and engineers. we construct buildings integrating sunlight in a holistic way into an intelligent and expressive concept. in our line of work we must not produce forced shapes and styles but should let things evolve around themselves. the method of "additive architecture" is suited best for this task. when adhering to this additive principle one does not sin against the right of existence of individual components. everything concludes in its own expression. all of the used ecological materials have their own character and materialistic expression.
sonnenhaus front
the building's site and the contextual embedding are of crucial importance. this increases the amount of required additional planning and monetary expense at first glance even tho these costs ar often compensated by abandoning highly technical products in a later project phase. from an economic view these concepts are - given 10 to 15 years of amortisation - not more expensive than conventional construction projects. however financial planning is more complex and more elaborated. this scares off many building promoters, financial institutions, insurances or private building owners. by abandoning conventional high-insulation paradigms mould formation is mostly out of the question. due to this it must be clarified to all financing partners or institutions that there is no higher investment risk than in usual construction projects in order to break new ground and to put trust in these concepts.
sonnenhaus front night
holistic solutions are already offered for multifamily houses, urban settlements and office- / industrial buildings. these solutions power themselves with heat, electricity and mobility using the sun in intelligent ways. independence and reliability are goals in the construction business more than ever. the first energetically autonomous multifamily house is finished. to us the question of "save or win" arises.
- sustainability as architectural agenda
- careful consumption of resources and modesty
- use of appropriate, harmless materials
sonnenhaus kitchen
stemming from all considerations regarding the topic "energy" the recurrent question of collecting-distributing-buffering and being able to discharge again arises. this must be the central thought as "one's responsibility for creation".
sonnenhaus staircase
10-15 years ago we used this principle in architecture with the only exception being rooms adjusted 3-5° celsius colder than today. these principles of architecture must be developed anew and developed further.
sonnenhaus front
architects and cultural service providers must be the interface between science and society again. active education, cross cultural encounters and dialogues within society help spreading the topic sonnenhaus (energetically autonomous building) in public and building awareness.
sonnenhaus front
interstices create unusual perspectives between architects, building automation engineers and scientists. building this house we were closely connected in geometrical and spatial but also conceptional and spiritual means.
sonnenhaus front
by creating this building we want to show what is possible using modern solar and construction technology. due to pensions raising slower than energy costs we want to create age appropriate living space not only in terms of architecture but also in terms of energy costs. currently the average costs for heating and warm water can be anticipated using up 3 eur/m² each year. this negates more or less the need for calculating energy costs for our object compared to the energy needs of objects using standard construction methods.
sonnenhaus front night
our concept was not only developed for new domestic architecture, industrial buildings or public service buildings but also for modernisation and redevelopment. this is a very important aspect for us. this is the reason for us not aligning the building with the sun despite this alignment would have helped us covering the solar energy needs of the object easier. but even when not aligned this building at klosterstrasse 12 will be energetically autonomous and create a unique and distinctive architecture in hünfeld - living utopia ?!
sonnenhaus bathroom
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movie: art jürgen blum and staircase sonnenhaus
photos: wolfgang fallier